Casa de Cafe, operating as Cafe Traders, is a Colombian company specializing in trading coffee futures and options. Registered with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and the National Futures Association (NFA) as a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA), the company integrates expertise from various disciplines to deliver innovative solutions to complex financial challenges in global capital markets. With offices in Bogotá, Cartagena, and Medellín, Casa de Cafe offers a diverse range of services, including discretionary account management, proprietary research, cryptocurrency and digital asset consulting, educational partnerships, FINRA Series 3 training, and its exclusive coffee futures trading algorithm, JuaVa. Positioned to capitalize on the expanding global coffee market, the company plans to execute a robust marketing and sales strategy to enhance brand recognition and build a strong industry presence.
The Coffee C contract is the world benchmark for Arabica coffee. The contract prices physical delivery of exchange-grade green beans, from one of 20 countries of origin in a licensed warehouse to one of several ports in the U. S. and Europe, with stated premiums/discounts for ports and growths.
Deliverable Origins:
Mexico, Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Tanzania, Uganda, Honduras, and Peru all at par, Colombia at 400 point premium, Burundi, Rwanda, Venezuela and India at 100 point discount, Dominican Republic and Ecuador at 400 point discount, and Brazil at 600 point discount.